Dallas Fort Worth Party Rentals

Setup Area: 10'x10'
Actual Size: 27"
What better way to get your little ones active than a little game of tag in our Interactive Play System Cones?! View this video to see how the IPS system works! It's perfect for school & church events.
6 Hour Inflatable Rentals: Regular Price
Additional hours only 10% more per hour.
Overnight Rentals only 25% more (Great Value!).
Rent it a 2nd day until 5 pm only 50% more (Best Value!).
Interactive Play System
User Instructions
1. Light hunter: It is red against green. The faster you go- the more lights of your color will show up. The one with the most hits wins!
2. Steal the light: Only 2 lights will pop up. If you touch your red one before the other person touches green, the green light will go out. You have to be quicker!!!
3. Back 2 base: At the beginning of this game, you select your base spot. Then the game starts as usual, you have to hit your base first and run to the next green or red (depending on which color you are), after that you keep on going back to your base.
Staff Recommendation-
- Light Hunter mode- designate one player to be “red” and one player to be “green”.
- Set for 25 hits.
Playing to 25 hits provides for a solid game experience, while also efficiently moving to the next set of ready players.